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Prep Information

Prep Information

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At St Catherine's, we are very proud of our Early Years program. We have professional, competent, and confident Early Years teachers who are able to readily meet the rigorous requirements of the Australian Curriculum within an authentic Early Years education. This is also enhanced by our designated Early Years precinct which is our Mercy Precinct for Prep to Year 2 students. The physical environment, resources and facilities are purposefully designed for these year levels. Children work within a small, collaborative population in colourful and stimulating environments where they feel safe, confident and secure.

A Catholic education offers students much more than academic instruction. Students from Prep through to Year 12 are encouraged to develop to be the best person they can be academically, spiritually, socially, emotionally and physically. Our teachers excel in leading our students to question and wonder, to build and create, to collaborate, co-operate and take risks with their learning.

We have our annual Step Into Prep program that assists your child/children in the transition to Prep.

Enrolments are now open. To find out more about our Prep program see the flyer below or to express interest in enrolling your child, use the Apply Now page to begin the enrolment process. Please be advised that our Pre-Prep Program commences in November each year for all enrolled children. For all other enquiries, please call our Primary Admin Office on (07) 4945 1414.